Culture Shock

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Is it time for a Culture Shock?

It’s been the most difficult period most educators have ever experienced. Now we have an opportunity to reset and rebuild. Can we take this opportunity to shape the culture into something wonderful?

 Let’s take the opportunity to be courageous and be create a collaborative community where we show exceptional leadership, achieve lofty goals, have a learning mindset and value capability!

The 5 Pillars of thriving school culture

Extensive research and decades of collective experience all point to 5 pillars as being critical to high performing cultures in schools. To creating environments where teachers thrive and student performance improves. Over the next few weeks we will dig into these topics a little deeper and conduct some interviews with some experts in these areas please reach out to us if you want to chat we always love to collaborate!


1.      Collaborative Community

A ‘Collaborative Community’ is an environment where people respect each other’s opinions and work well together. It can be characterized by effective communication throughout the whole school community and parents, caregivers, staff and students are all engaged in contributing to school improvement.

2.      Exceptional Leadership

A culture of ‘Exceptional Leadership’ would have leaders who are positive role models and have the respect of staff. The leadership team would passionately articulate a vision for the school and inspire transformation. Leaders would help remove obstacles and enable every member of staff to perform at their best.

3.      Achieving Lofty Goals

‘Achieving Lofty Goals’ describes a culture that has high expectations of all staff and students. Strategic priorities are arrived at thoughtfully with consensus from the whole school community and operational rigour around achieving them. Core values underpin all decisions and behaviours.

4.      Learning Mindset

A ‘Learning Mindset’ indicates a culture that takes a professional approach toward teaching and learning and is focused on continuous improvement. A school with a strong ‘Learning Mindset’ would be flexible and well positioned for growth and transformation.

5.      Valuing Capability

A culture that ‘Values Capability’ means everyone understands their role and feels valued and appreciated for what they do. Individuals are trusted with the autonomy to achieve their objectives free from the burden of unnecessary oversight.