Guiding Principles


it’s all about you

We don’t get bogged down by our world view and what we think is best practice. We adapt all our programs to your unique contexts, level of sophistication and technology preferences.

We love data and outcomes


Despite the notion that people and culture stuff has typically been airy fairy and impossible to quantify, we use evidence-based approaches and focus on exceeding agreed outcomes.

Telling it straight

Telling it Straight

Positive tension is where the magic happens and creating this in a stressed out environment can be tricky. At Culture Shock we create a supportive environment plus use some clever technology to crowdsource input as we go.

You do the hard work

you do the hard work

We love sharing ideas but YOU are the expert. WE facilitate curiosity and reflection so you can uncover your own path. Our case studies and practical examples from education and industry will inspire you to find the solution that’s right for your own context.

We take fun seriously

We take fun seriously

Education is pretty challenging at the moment so we are determinedly light-hearted. We set the tone so participants can go back into the world ready to make life a little bit happier for everyone.

Specialist consultation

We’ll work with you to manage your CAT scan and implement any combination of our facilitated meetings, interventions, leadership appraisals, workshops, coaching, follow-up assessments, and much more. All focused on simplicity and practical application.


Other services

Speaking Engagements

We love helping leaders understand culture.

Whether you need inspiring keynote speakers, or facilitators for interactive, hands on workshops, Culture Shock will make sure your event is amazing!


We can benchmark your school’s key outcomes against high performing schools and organisations. This provides a confidential snapshot of how you compare and where to improve. Our diagnostic approach provides a roadmap to guide culture transformation specific to each school context.

Professional Development

We offer a range of workshops that are different. These aren’t your typical ‘Professional Development’ style sessions. Our sessions are laser focused on moving the needle on organisational culture and school effectiveness, and to tackle the things that matter most.

Simplicity and Clarity — achieve more with less.

Growth Mindset and innovation — lead a team that grows and adapts.

Courageous Leadership — be brave, drive transformation and inspire passion.

Collaborative Practice and Peer Coaching — gain consensus and learn from others.

The Art of Feedback — do it more and do it better.

Ambitious Strategic Planning — achieve big plans without burning out.

Developing tomorrows leaders — nurture the talent of emerging leaders.

Challenge and diversity — pushing boundaries, challenging ideas and encouraging diversity.

The 4S model — How to Sell, Show, Systemetise and Support culture change.

Human Synergistics Tools

To complement our range of bespoke school specific tools and diagnostics, we are also accredited in the full range of Human Synergistics Tools which is generally accepted as the gold standard of culture assessment and leadership development within Corporates.

Leadership Development Tools:

Life Styles Inventory The Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI) is a measurement and feedback tool designed to help individuals improve their effectiveness. The LSI is a great development tool for emerging school leaders, leading to greater self-awareness and insights to tackle the demands of school leadership.

Leadership Impact Leadership/Impact® (L/I) is a unique tool suited to executive level educational leaders involved with influencing the strategic direction of their school or school system, such as education directors, school principals and business managers. The L/I diagnostic provides feedback regarding the impact on the behaviours and ways of interactions of others, as well as the strategies and techniques that account for this impact. This feedback is invaluable as the impact leaders have on the behaviours of others is how cultural norms are established in schools.

Management Impact Management Impact (M/I) diagnostic provides those in operational leadership roles with information regarding how they approach their management responsibilities and the impact they have on the behaviour and performance of their colleagues and teams they lead.

Team Development:

Group Styles Inventory - Developing Effective Teams

The Group Styles Inventory™ (GSI) measures patterns of behaviours that emerge when people work together. This provides groups with feedback on the styles they exhibit when interacting to solve problems and make decisions. By responding to the inventory, a profile is generated in real time that depicts each team members perception of how the team approaches problem solving. When individual profiles are combined with all team members, an accurate profile is generated describing how effectively members worked together as a team.

Organisational Culture:

The Organisational Culture Inventory® (OCI) —

This goes to the heart of your organisation’s cultural make-up. It reveals what you’re really asking of your employees and how it affects their performance, motivation and job satisfaction — ultimately providing a foundation stone for achieving successful, sustainable cultural change.

The Organisational Effectiveness Inventory™ (OEI) —

This is your gateway to a deeper understanding of your organisation’s culture — gained through the perspectives of the people who live it every day. A partner to the Organisational Culture Inventory® (OCI), the OEI provides valid, reliable and useable data on the organisational structures, human resource and goal setting systems, job design and leadership skills and qualities that affect your school’s culture — and whether they need to change to improve performance and long-term effectiveness at individual, group and organisational levels.
